Cambridge, MA – The MIT Supply Chain Management Master’s Program has recognized thirty-five exceptional students from eight renowned undergraduate programs specializing in supply chain management and engineering across the United States.
Presented annually, the MIT Supply Chain Excellence Awards honor undergraduate students who have demonstrated outstanding talent in supply chain management or industrial engineering. These students originate from institutions that have partnered with the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics’s Supply Chain Management master’s program to expand opportunities for graduate study and advance the field of supply chain and logistics.
In this year’s awards, the MIT SCM Master’s Program has provided over $900,000 in fellowship funding to 35 deserving recipients. These students come from respected schools like Arizona State University, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Lehigh University, Michigan State University, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (Mexico), Penn State University, Purdue University, and Texas A&M University.
Recipients can use their awards by applying to the SCM program after gaining two to five years of professional experience post-graduation. The fellowship funds can be applied towards tuition fees for the SCM master’s program at MIT or at MIT Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence (SCALE) network centers in Spain, Malaysia, Luxembourg, or China.
For more information about the MIT Supply Chain Excellence Awards, please visit here.
About the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics
Founded in 1973, MIT CTL is one of the world’s leading supply chain education and research centers. MIT CTL coordinates more than 100 supply chain research efforts across the MIT campus and around the globe. The center also educates students and corporate leaders in the essential principles of supply chain management and helps organizations to increase productivity and improve their environmental performance.
About the MIT Supply Chain Management Master’s Program (MIT SCM)
Founded in 1998 by the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL), MIT SCM attracts a diverse group of talented and motivated students from across the globe. Students work directly with researchers and industry experts on complex and challenging problems in all aspects of supply chain management. MIT SCM students propel their classroom and laboratory learning straight into industry. They graduate from our programs as thought leaders ready to engage in an international, highly competitive marketplace.
Supply Chain Excellence Contact: Kate Padilla kpadilla@mit.edu