Student Life

MIT SCMr 25 Housing Survey

MIT SCMr 25 Housing Survey
Written by Vi Duong

Overall Guideline

  • Two options: on-campus or off-campus. Most people (84%) live on campus, either alone, with roommates, or with spouses.
  • Three clusters of on-campus housing:
    • Near CTL/campus: Site 4, 70 Amherst
    • 20-30 minutes’ walk/10-minute bike ride or shuttle to CTL/campus: Ashdown, The Warehouse, Sidney-Pacific, Edgerton House
    • 30 minutes’ walk/10-minute bike ride or shuttle to CTL/campus: Graduate Junction, Tang Hall, Westgate
  • If you’re looking for the most cost-effective option, 70 Amherst is a good choice. It’s very close to campus (a big plus in the winter), but you’ll have to share a kitchen and bathrooms with about 10 people. However, the kitchen is large, there are two big refrigerators, multiple bathrooms, and daily cleaning service.
  • If you want to live with roommates and make new friends, consider Ashdown, Sidney, The Warehouse, or Graduate Junction. These options offer different room types and price points. Please refer to the survey for more details.
  • If you prefer to live alone, consider Site 4 or off-campus housing. Site 4 is the most convenient on-campus option but much pricier.
  • If you’re living with a partner, consider Site 4 or Westgate. Graduate Junction is the newest housing option for graduate students. It’s affiliated with MIT but not directly managed by MIT Housing. You can apply directly through their website and don’t need to participate in the MIT Housing Portal bidding process.
  • You can find all the pictures of each room here:

On Campus Vs Off Campus


Who do you live with and Accommodation Type

On vs Off Campus And Shared Room Status

Where do you currently live?Who do you live with?# of People Percent
Off-CampusI live alone360.00%
Off-CampusI live with a partner/spouse 120.00%
Off-CampusI live with roommates120.00%
On-CampusI live with roommates1246.00%
On-CampusI live alone1142.00%
On-CampusI live with a partner/spouse 312.00%
The majority of people live either alone or with other roommates.

What type of accommodation

On vs Off Campus And Shared Room Status

Who do you live with?What type of accommodation do you live in?# of People Percent
I live aloneStudio apartment 1032.00%
I live aloneDormitory room26.00%
I live aloneEntire apartment (not shared) 26.00%
I live with a partner/spouse Studio apartment 310.00%
I live with a partner/spouse Entire apartment (not shared) 13.00%
I live with roommatesSingle room within a shared apartment 1239.00%
I live with roommatesShared room within a shared apartment 13.00%
10 people live alone in studio apartments, while 12 people live in single rooms within shared apartments.

What Housing?

  • 8 people living in Ashdown, 4 in Site 4, 4 in Warehouse, and 3 in Graduate Junction

Living Conditions & Environment

  • For the rating please consider also the number of people living in this option.
  • For noise factor: 1: very noisy – 5: very quiet
  • Every housing has quite similar facilities: Gym, Study room, Lounge or common area, Laundry facilities, Parking. Extra point for Graduate Junction having dish washer.

Commute and Accessibility

Time Commute And Transportation Mode

If you live on-campus, which dorm are you living?How long is your commute to campus?What is your mode of transportation?# of PeoplePercent
70 Amherst2 minutesWalking13.00%
Ashdown House 10 – 20 minutesCycling413.00%
Ashdown House 20 – 30 minutesWalking 310.00%
Ashdown House 20 – 30 minutes Shuttle 13.00%
Edgerton House< 10 minutesCycling 13.00%
Graduate Junction10 – 20 minutes Cycling 13.00%
Graduate Junction10 – 20 minutes Shuttle13.00%
Graduate Junction> 30 minutesWalking 13.00%
Off-Campus 10 – 20 minutesCycling 13.00%
Off-Campus20 – 30 minutesShuttle13.00%
Off-Campus20 – 30 minutesWalking 13.00%
Off-Campus < 10 minutes Cycling 13.00%
Off-Campus< 10 minutesWalking 13.00%
Sidney-Pacific 10 – 20 minutesShuttle13.00%
Sidney-Pacific 20 – 30 minutesWalking 13.00%
Site 4< 10 minutesWalking 413.00%
Tang Hall20 – 30 minutesShuttle13.00%
The Warehouse20 – 30 minutesWalking 26.00%
The Warehouse10 – 20 minutes Cycling 13.00%
The Warehouse10 – 20 minutesShuttle13.00%
Westgate< 10 minutesCycling 26.00%
For social life factor: 1 = very poor – 5 = excellent (easy to connect with people)

Financial Aspects

  • On average, monthly rent is $1,875.
  • The most affordable option, 70 Amherst, starts at $1,024 per month.
  • The most expensive option, a full off-campus apartment, can cost up to $3,500 per month.
  • 70 Amherst and Graduate Junction are considered the two best options in terms of value for money.

Academic Impact

  • For academic impact factor: 1: very negative – 5: very positive


Recommendations by Housing

Overall Satisfaction

Final Thoughts

Most Favorite

Least Favorite

Motivation to Live On or Off Campus